Travel time from

Kansas City International Airport to Mount Rushmore

Average Travel Times are

4h 44min  -  16h 34min

Travel Distance

1155.59 km

Travel time route map

It takes an average travel time of 6h 25mins to travel from Kansas City International Airport to Mount Rushmore, given the average speed of 180km/h and the distance of 1155.59 km (718 miles)

Travel time by transport mode

Tranport Distance Time
Flight 968km (602 miles) 4h 44mins
Drive 1175km (730 miles) 10h 51mins
Bus 1289km (801 miles) 16h 34mins

Travel time by airplanes from Kansas City International Airport to Mount Rushmore

Air Plane Cruise Speed Max Speed
A300 1h 7mins 1h 4mins
A320 1h 9mins 1h 5mins
A321 1h 10mins 1h 6mins
A380 59mins 56mins
Boeing 707 1h 0mins 58mins
Boeing 737 1h 14mins 1h 8mins
Boeing 747 1h 4mins 1h 1mins
Boeing 787 1h 3mins 59mins
ATR 72 2h 6mins 1h 50mins

TIME TO DRIVE FROM Kansas City International Airport to Mount Rushmore

Speed (km/h) Speed (Ml/h) Duration
40 24.85 29h 23mins
50 31.07 23h 30mins
60 37.28 19h 35mins
80 49.71 14h 41mins
100 62.14 11h 45mins

Be prepared

Kansas City International Airport - Mount Rushmore Info

Travel time from MCI to RAP 4h 8mins.

Travel time from Rapid City to Mount Rushmore 46mins.

Travel time chart

How long does it take to get from Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City, MO, United States and by air and road.