Travel time from

Toronto to Dubai

Average Travel Times are

18h 28min  -  20h 19min

Travel Distance

11664.95 km

Travel time route map

It takes an average travel time of 64h 48mins to travel from Toronto to Dubai, given the average speed of 180km/h and the distance of 11664.95 km (7248 miles)

Travel time by transport mode

Tranport Distance Time
Flight 11551km (7177 miles) 18h 28mins

Travel time by airplanes from Toronto to Dubai

Air Plane Cruise Speed Max Speed
A300 13h 25mins 12h 50mins
A320 13h 45mins 12h 58mins
A321 13h 54mins 13h 7mins
A380 11h 47mins 11h 19mins
Boeing 707 11h 58mins 11h 33mins
Boeing 737 14h 48mins 13h 35mins
Boeing 747 12h 54mins 12h 9mins
Boeing 787 12h 41mins 11h 54mins
ATR 72 25h 6mins 22h 0mins

Be prepared

Toronto - Dubai Info

Travel time from Toronto Union to Pearson Airport 30mins.

Travel time from YYZ to AUH 13h 13mins.

Travel time from Abu Dhabi Airport to Abu Dhabi 30mins.

Travel time from Abu Dhabi to Dubai, Al Ghubaiba 2h 11mins.

Travel time chart

How long does it take to get from Toronto, ON, Canada and by air and road.