Bus from Changi Airport Singapore to Penang

Changi Airport Singapore
Penang, Malaysia

Your cost to travel by Bus, train, car ferry: $40 - $49

Source: Rome2rio

Bus schedule

Departure Arrival Bus Fare Operator Duration

Cost by number of pax.

Pax Currency (USD) Currency (Local)
1 person 47 USD ~ 151 MYR
2 people 94 USD ~ 303 MYR
3 people 141 USD ~ 454 MYR
4 people 188 USD ~ 606 MYR
5 people 235 USD ~ 757 MYR

Did you know?

  • The total CO2 Emission for your Changi Airport Singapore - Penang bus trip is 0 kg
  • Your total cost to travel by bus from Changi Airport Singapore to Penang is about 47.0 USD (~151.42 MYR)