Cost of Living Comparison Between

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If you want to compare the cost of Living in Bequia VS Barbados, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Bequia and Barbados in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Foods in Bequia


more expensive than


Mid-Range Hotel

is the largest difference
in the living cost comparision between Bequia & Barbados

Mid-Range Hotel


cheaper than


USD Local currency
Travel Price Bequia Barbados Change Bequia Barbados $
Budget hotel 101.283 202.202
270.924 400.400 $
Mid-Range Hotel 122.250 284.820
327.011 564.000 $
Luxury Hotel 194.435 413.292
520.100 818.400 $
USD Local currency
Foods Bequia Barbados Change Bequia Barbados $
Typical Meal 12.120 16.483
32.420 32.640 $
Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) 3.525 3.667
9.429 7.262 $
Egg 2.525
Rice 3.118 1.314
8.341 2.603 $
Potato 1.920
USD Local currency
Drinks Bequia Barbados Change Bequia Barbados $
Milk 1.980 0.899
5.295 1.780 $
USD Local currency
Others Bequia Barbados Change Bequia Barbados $
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) 14180.400 14945.980
37,931.587 29,596.000 $

Bequia - Barbados Price Comparison Chart

The Cost of living in Bequia compared to Barbados shows that in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines sometimes you would SAVE 1,590 XCD (1,177 BBD) for the Barbados same items.

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