Cost of Living Comparison Between

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If you want to compare the cost of Living in Canouan Island VS Saint Lucia, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Canouan Island and Saint Lucia in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Drinks in Canouan Island


more expensive than

Saint Lucia

Luxury Hotel

is the largest difference
in the living cost comparision between Canouan Island & Saint Lucia

Luxury Hotel


cheaper than

Saint Lucia

USD Local currency
Travel Price Canouan Island Saint Lucia Change Canouan Island Saint Lucia $
Budget hotel 121.099 119.746
323.931 320.311 $
Mid-Range Hotel 145.602 220.180
389.474 588.966 $
Luxury Hotel 217.433 348.733
581.618 932.836 $
USD Local currency
Foods Canouan Island Saint Lucia Change Canouan Island Saint Lucia $
Typical Meal 12.605
Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) 3.842
Egg 2.778
Rice 3.479
Potato 2.116
USD Local currency
Drinks Canouan Island Saint Lucia Change Canouan Island Saint Lucia $
Milk 2.161
USD Local currency
Others Canouan Island Saint Lucia Change Canouan Island Saint Lucia $
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) 16543.800 16861.950
44,253.518 45,104.548 $

Canouan Island - Saint Lucia Price Comparison Chart

The Cost of living in Canouan Island compared to Saint Lucia shows that in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines sometimes you would SAVE 540 XCD (540 XCD) for the Saint Lucia same items.

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