Cost of Living Comparison Between

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If you want to compare the cost of Living in Canton VS Palau, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Canton and Palau in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Drinks in Canton


more expensive than



is the largest difference
in the living cost comparision between Canton & Palau



cheaper than


USD Local currency
Travel Price Canton Palau Change Canton Palau $
Taxi 0.921
Budget hotel 145.592
Mid-Range Hotel 168.185
Luxury Hotel 283.133
Fuel 0.836
USD Local currency
Foods Canton Palau Change Canton Palau $
Typical Meal 9.571
Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) 3.349
Egg 1.849
Rice 1.535
Potato 2.475
Tomato 6.787
Flour 4.062
Banana 2.912 0.722
2.883 0.714 $
Sugar 2.697 0.909
2.670 0.900 $
Apple 4.133
Orange 4.133
USD Local currency
Drinks Canton Palau Change Canton Palau $
Milk 1.580
Coca/Pepsi 1.690
Beer 6.466
Bottle of Water 1.650
A Cup of Coffee (Regular) 3.326
USD Local currency
Others Canton Palau Change Canton Palau $
Cigarette 6.105
Electricity 0.064
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) 15920.125 15756.000
15,762.500 15,600.000 $
Condom 1.050
Movie Ticket 9.757

Canton - Palau Price Comparison Chart

The Cost of living in Canton compared to Palau shows that in United States sometimes you would pay 656 USD (656 USD) more than the Palau same items.

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