Cost of Living Comparison Between

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If you want to compare the cost of Living in Kupang VS East Timor, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Kupang and East Timor in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Foods in Kupang


more expensive than

East Timor


is the largest difference
in the living cost comparision between Kupang & East Timor



cheaper than

East Timor

USD Local currency
Travel Price Kupang East Timor Change Kupang East Timor $
Taxi 0.400
Budget hotel 51.268
Mid-Range Hotel 112.211
Luxury Hotel 144.430
Fuel 0.696
USD Local currency
Foods Kupang East Timor Change Kupang East Timor $
Typical Meal 2.174
Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) 6.522
Egg 0.110
Rice 1.511
Potato 0.636
Tomato 1.029
Flour 0.944
Banana 1.585
Sugar 1.920
Apple 3.435
Orange 2.302
USD Local currency
Drinks Kupang East Timor Change Kupang East Timor $
Milk 1.578
Coca/Pepsi 0.778
Beer 4.818
Bottle of Water 0.378
A Cup of Coffee (Regular) 3.054
USD Local currency
Others Kupang East Timor Change Kupang East Timor $
Cigarette 1.260
Electricity 1.040
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) 16972.848
Condom 0.110

Kupang - East Timor Price Comparison Chart

The Cost of living in Kupang compared to East Timor shows that in Indonesia sometimes you would pay 4,013,332 IDR (341 USD) more than the East Timor same items.

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