Cost of Living Comparison Between

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If you want to compare the cost of Living in Naypyidaw VS New Zealand, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Naypyidaw and New Zealand in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Travel Price in Naypyidaw


more expensive than

New Zealand

Bottle of Water

is the largest difference
in the living cost comparision between Naypyidaw & New Zealand

Bottle of Water


cheaper than

New Zealand

USD Local currency
Travel Price Naypyidaw New Zealand Change Naypyidaw New Zealand $
Mid-Range Hotel 302.596 108.989
293,902.806 131.771 $
Fuel 1.092 1.858
1,060.640 2.247 $
USD Local currency
Foods Naypyidaw New Zealand Change Naypyidaw New Zealand $
Rice 1.273 3.288
1,236.040 3.975 $
Flour 0.982 2.178
953.516 2.633 $
USD Local currency
Drinks Naypyidaw New Zealand Change Naypyidaw New Zealand $
Coca/Pepsi 1.211 2.169
1,176.200 2.622 $
Beer 1.338 6.025
1,299.804 7.285 $
Bottle of Water 0.368 2.384
357.078 2.882 $
A Cup of Coffee (Regular) 1.982 2.987
1,924.691 3.611 $
USD Local currency
Others Naypyidaw New Zealand Change Naypyidaw New Zealand $
Cigarette 2.141 13.620
2,079.686 16.467 $
Electricity 0.053 0.190
51.502 0.230 $
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) 16549.052 15513.600
16,073,619.037 18,756.403 $

Naypyidaw - New Zealand Price Comparison Chart

The Cost of living in Naypyidaw compared to New Zealand shows that in Myanmar sometimes you would SAVE 94,920 MMK (118 NZD) for the New Zealand same items.

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