Cost of Living Comparison Between

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If you want to compare the cost of Living in Ontong Java VS Mumbai, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Ontong Java and Mumbai in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Travel Price in Ontong Java


more expensive than


Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan)

is the largest difference
in the living cost comparision between Ontong Java & Mumbai

Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan)


cheaper than


USD Local currency
Travel Price Ontong Java Mumbai Change Ontong Java Mumbai Rs
Mid-Range Hotel 306.838 89.991
2,174.646 5,550.609 Rs
USD Local currency
Foods Ontong Java Mumbai Change Ontong Java Mumbai Rs
Egg 12.120 0.711
85.898 43.857 Rs
Rice 3.838 0.556
27.201 34.263 Rs
Potato 9.090 0.353
64.423 21.791 Rs
USD Local currency
Drinks Ontong Java Mumbai Change Ontong Java Mumbai Rs
Milk 8.989 0.947
63.708 58.397 Rs
USD Local currency
Others Ontong Java Mumbai Change Ontong Java Mumbai Rs
Electricity 0.833 0.094
5.902 5.775 Rs
Car (Toyota/Honda Sedan) 13816.800 16041.426
97,923.492 989,428.803 Rs

Ontong Java - Mumbai Price Comparison Chart

The Cost of living in Ontong Java compared to Mumbai shows that in Solomon Islands sometimes you would pay 53 SBD (463 INR) more than the India same items.

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