The price of Mid-Range Hotel (Room/Night) in Balimo, Papua New Guinea is 757.97 PGK
Mid-Range Hotel in Balimo, Papua New Guinea
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Canadian Dollar | CAD | $ | 309.9168 CAD |
Nicaraguan Córdoba | NIO | C$ | 7,377.5768 NIO |
Indonesian Rupiah | IDR | Rp | 3,459,582.1440 IDR |
Comorian Franc | KMF | Fr | 106,506.2131 KMF |
Jamaican Dollar | JMD | J$ | 30,218.5037 JMD |
Surinamese Dollar | SRD | $ | 964.5110 SRD |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Balimo |
Zenag | 659.71 PGK | -12.96% |
Yule Island | 673.75 PGK | -11.11% |
Yongai | 645.68 PGK | -14.81% |
Yeva | 701.82 PGK | -7.41% |
Yenkis | 631.64 PGK | -16.67% |
Yellow River | 631.64 PGK | -16.67% |
Mid-Range Hotel price comparison chart
The Mid-Range Hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Mid-Range Hotel (Room/Night) in Balimo is % higher than the same Mid-Range Hotel price in , Papua New Guinea.