Mid-Range Hotel in Italy, Italy

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The price of Mid-Range Hotel (Room/Night) in Italy is 91.91 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Bulgarian Lev BGN лв 179.9716 BGN
Pound GGP gp 75.3330 GGP
Iraqi Dinar IQD ع.د 145,248.4800 IQD
Moroccan Dirham MAD د.م. 1,031.9512 MAD
Japanese Yen JPY ¥ 12,678.3072 JPY
Qatari Rial QAR ر.ق 454.4155 QAR
Other countries Price COMPARED WITH
Eritrea 36.82 EUR -59.94%
Bahrain 36.82 EUR -59.94%
Congo 184.11 EUR 100.32%
Greenland 630.00 EUR 585.47%
United States 131.96 EUR 43.58%
Venezuela 130.57 EUR 42.07%

Mid-Range Hotel price comparison chart

The Mid-Range Hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Mid-Range Hotel (Room/Night) in Italy is 585.47 % lower than the same Mid-Range Hotel price in , Greenland.