Luxury Hotel in Fahud, Oman

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The price of Luxury Hotel (Room/Night) in Fahud, Oman is 64.47 OMR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Jordanian Dinar JOD د.ا 118.5420 JOD
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra STD Db 3,055,076.7520 STD
Yemeni Rial YER 36,002.4465 YER
Sri Lankan Rupee LKR 21,963.6071 LKR
New Taiwan Dollar TWD NT$ 4,960.8788 TWD
Kazakhstani Tenge KZT лв 25,653.1475 KZT
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Thumrait 63.07 OMR -2.17%
Sur 65.17 OMR 1.09%
Salalah 76.38 OMR 18.48%
Oman 63.07 OMR -2.17%
Muscat 73.58 OMR 14.13%
Masirah 70.07 OMR 8.70%

Luxury Hotel price comparison chart

The Luxury Hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Luxury Hotel (Room/Night) in Fahud is 18.48 % lower than the same Luxury Hotel price in Salalah, Oman.