Apple in Bandar Lengeh, Iran

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The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Bandar Lengeh, Iran is 44,735.23 IRR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Armenian Dram AMD դր. 736.4766 AMD
Myanma Kyat MMK K 1,769.3027 MMK
Georgian Lari GEL 3.0407 GEL
Macedonian Denar MKD ден 82.0467 MKD
Indian Rupee INR Rs 112.3578 INR
Zimbabwean Dollar ZWD Z$ 652.7228 ZWD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Bandar Lengeh
Zanjan 45,563.66 IRR 1.85%
Zahedan 44,321.02 IRR -0.93%
Zabol 43,078.37 IRR -3.70%
Yazd 43,078.37 IRR -3.70%
Yasouj 43,078.37 IRR -3.70%
Urmieh 44,321.02 IRR -0.93%

Apple price comparison chart

The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Bandar Lengeh is 1.85 % lower than the same Apple price in Zanjan, Iran.