The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Finlay, Canada is 3.49 CAD
Apple in Finlay, Canada
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Colombian Peso | COP | $ | 6,374.4694 COP |
South African Rand | ZAR | R | 33.5648 ZAR |
Dominican Peso | DOP | RD$ | 140.7554 DOP |
Kenyan Shilling | KES | Sh | 287.6300 KES |
Special Drawing Rights | XDR | SDR | 2.1586 XDR |
Bangladeshi Taka | BDT | ৳ | 257.2834 BDT |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Finlay |
Zama Lake | 3.34 CAD | -4.26% |
Zama | 3.49 CAD | 0.00% |
Yorkton | 3.49 CAD | 0.00% |
York Landing | 4.05 CAD | 15.96% |
Yellowknife | 3.94 CAD | 12.77% |
Yates Tower | 3.57 CAD | 2.13% |
Apple price comparison chart
The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Finlay is 15.96 % lower than the same Apple price in York Landing, Canada.