Apple in Kuwait, Kuwait

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The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Kuwait, Kuwait is 9.24 AED

Currency Code Symbol Value
Congolese Franc CDF Fr 2,318.2852 CDF
Kazakhstani Tenge KZT лв 385.2568 KZT
Macedonian Denar MKD ден 114.3904 MKD
Bulgarian Lev BGN лв 3.6263 BGN
Latvian Lats LVL Ls 1.3023 LVL
Ugandan Shilling UGX USh 6,359.9766 UGX
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Kuwait 9.14 AED -1.01%

Apple price comparison chart

The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Kuwait is % higher than the same Apple price in , Kuwait.