Apple in Svolvaer, Norway

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The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Svolvaer, Norway is 21.70 NOK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Malaysian Ringgit MYR RM 11.4673 MYR
Belize Dollar BZD BZ$ 7.0803 BZD
Iranian Rial IRR 88,287.3463 IRR
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 289.9145 CVE
Turkish Lira TRY 7.1646 TRY
Myanma Kyat MMK K 3,491.8125 MMK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vardoe 22.11 NOK 1.90%
Vaeroy 21.49 NOK -0.95%
Vadso 21.49 NOK -0.95%
Trondheim 21.49 NOK -0.95%
Tromso 19.63 NOK -9.52%
Svalbard 18.60 NOK -14.29%

Apple price comparison chart

The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Svolvaer is 1.90 % lower than the same Apple price in Vardoe, Norway.