The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Vinon, France is 2.62 EUR
Apple in Vinon, France
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Tongan Paʻanga | TOP | T$ | 6.4956 TOP |
Singapore Dollar | SGD | $ | 4.4578 SGD |
Azerbaijani Manat | AZN | ман | 2.7916 AZN |
Surinamese Dollar | SRD | $ | 11.6887 SRD |
CFA Franc BCEAO | XOF | Fr | 1,722.6235 XOF |
Indian Rupee | INR | Rs | 221.7752 INR |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Vinon |
Vittel | 2.80 EUR | 6.74% |
Vitry Le Francois | 2.62 EUR | 0.00% |
Vitry En Artois | 2.65 EUR | 1.12% |
Villerupt | 2.89 EUR | 10.11% |
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot | 2.86 EUR | 8.99% |
Villefranche-De-Rouergue | 2.80 EUR | 6.74% |
Apple price comparison chart
The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Vinon is 10.11 % lower than the same Apple price in Villerupt, France.