The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Wyk, Germany is 1.87 EUR
Apple in Wyk, Germany
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Lesotho Loti | LSL | L | 25.6879 LSL |
Sri Lankan Rupee | LKR | ₨ | 332.7203 LKR |
Hungarian Forint | HUF | Ft | 558.1086 HUF |
Georgian Lari | GEL | ლ | 4.2763 GEL |
Rwandan Franc | RWF | Fr | 1,707.0087 RWF |
Solomon Islands Dollar | SBD | $ | 18.1566 SBD |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Wyk |
Zwickau | 1.79 EUR | -4.21% |
Zweibrucken | 2.14 EUR | 14.74% |
Wunstorf | 1.97 EUR | 5.26% |
Wuerzburg | 1.93 EUR | 3.16% |
Wuerselen | 1.79 EUR | -4.21% |
Wriezen | 1.95 EUR | 4.21% |
Apple price comparison chart
The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Wyk is 14.74 % lower than the same Apple price in Zweibrucken, Germany.