Apple in Zellwood, United States

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The price of Apple (01 Kg) in Zellwood, United States is 4.31 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Guinean Franc GNF Fr 29,785.7868 GNF
Sierra Leonean Leone SLL Le 18,658.0240 SLL
Hong Kong Dollar HKD $ 33.4270 HKD
Danish Krone DKK kr 23.6992 DKK
Myanma Kyat MMK K 4,230.0030 MMK
Swedish Krona SEK kr 28.3330 SEK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 4.22 USD -2.04%
Zephyrhills 4.22 USD -2.04%
Zelienople 4.00 USD -7.14%
Zeeland 4.18 USD -3.06%
Zapata 4.36 USD 1.02%
Zanesville 3.92 USD -9.18%

Apple price comparison chart

The Apple price comparison chart shows that price for Apple (01 Kg) in Zellwood is 1.02 % lower than the same Apple price in Zapata, United States.