Banana in Mapoda, Papua New Guinea

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The price of Banana (01 Kg) in Mapoda, Papua New Guinea is 2.53 PGK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Yemeni Rial YER 210.6522 YER
Chilean Peso CLP $ 511.4877 CLP
Peruvian Nuevo Sol PEN S/. 2.7477 PEN
Brunei Dollar BND $ 1.2263 BND
Bermudan Dollar BMD $ 0.9797 BMD
Hong Kong Dollar HKD $ 7.5947 HKD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zenag 2.45 PGK -3.09%
Yule Island 2.48 PGK -2.06%
Yongai 2.53 PGK 0.00%
Yeva 2.35 PGK -7.22%
Yenkis 2.40 PGK -5.15%
Yellow River 2.55 PGK 1.03%

Banana price comparison chart

The Banana price comparison chart shows that price for Banana (01 Kg) in Mapoda is 1.03 % lower than the same Banana price in Yellow River, Papua New Guinea.