Banana in Rutenga, Zimbabwe

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The price of Banana (01 Kg) in Rutenga, Zimbabwe is 3.45 AED

Currency Code Symbol Value
North Korean Won KPW 846.0000 KPW
Albanian Lek ALL Lek 97.1293 ALL
Tanzanian Shilling TZS Sh 1,514.3870 TZS
Vanuatu Vatu VUV VT 89.8828 VUV
Nicaraguan Córdoba NIO C$ 23.6074 NIO
Fijian Dollar FJD $ 1.7468 FJD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zvishavane 3.53 AED 2.13%
Zisco 3.27 AED -5.32%
Zimbabwe 3.49 AED 1.06%
Wedza 3.49 AED 1.06%
Wanesi 3.38 AED -2.13%
Victoria Falls 4.00 AED 15.96%

Banana price comparison chart

The Banana price comparison chart shows that price for Banana (01 Kg) in Rutenga is 15.96 % lower than the same Banana price in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.