Banana in Wuerselen, Germany

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The price of Banana (01 Kg) in Wuerselen, Germany is 0.87 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Honduran Lempira HNL L 24.1088 HNL
Rwandan Franc RWF Fr 790.6146 RWF
South Korean Won KRW 1,246.5333 KRW
Zambian Kwacha ZMK ZK 6,170.0731 ZMK
Mongolian Tugrik MNT 2,026.7297 MNT
New Taiwan Dollar TWD NT$ 34.8067 TWD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zwickau 0.97 EUR 12.36%
Zweibrucken 1.04 EUR 20.22%
Wyk 0.96 EUR 11.24%
Wunstorf 0.95 EUR 10.11%
Wuerzburg 0.88 EUR 2.25%
Wriezen 0.89 EUR 3.37%

Banana price comparison chart

The Banana price comparison chart shows that price for Banana (01 Kg) in Wuerselen is 20.22 % lower than the same Banana price in Zweibrucken, Germany.