Beer in Khudzhand, Tajikistan

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The price of Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Khudzhand, Tajikistan is 17.45 TJS

Currency Code Symbol Value
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 317.8986 KES
Moldovan Leu MDL L 47.9283 MDL
Burundian Franc BIF Fr 5,668.8620 BIF
Latvian Lats LVL Ls 1.8939 LVL
Lesotho Loti LSL L 37.0355 LSL
Icelandic Króna ISK kr 442.8956 ISK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Tajikistan 15.31 TJS -12.26%
Kurgon-Tyube 15.31 TJS -12.26%
Kulyab 14.98 TJS -14.15%
Dushanbe 17.95 TJS 2.83%

Beer price comparison chart

The Beer price comparison chart shows that price for Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Khudzhand is 2.83 % lower than the same Beer price in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.