The price of Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Norway is 73.03 NOK
Beer in Norway, Norway
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Japanese Yen | JPY | ¥ | 1,216.9854 JPY |
Syrian Pound | SYP | £ | 1,677.6691 SYP |
Chinese Yuan | CNY | ¥ | 73.0757 CNY |
Platinum Ounce | XPT | Pt | 0.0087 XPT |
Russian Ruble | RUB | руб | 395.5978 RUB |
Moldovan Leu | MDL | L | 157.0021 MDL |
Other countries | Price | COMPARED WITH Norway |
Bahrain | 40.42 NOK | -44.66% |
Congo | 29.87 NOK | -59.10% |
Greenland | 37.13 NOK | -49.16% |
United States | 38.22 NOK | -47.66% |
Venezuela | 23.81 NOK | -67.39% |
Uruguay | 16.86 NOK | -76.91% |
Beer price comparison chart
The Beer price comparison chart shows that price for Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Norway is % higher than the same Beer price in , Bahrain.