Beer in Novo Horizonte, Brazil

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The price of Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Novo Horizonte, Brazil is 7.70 BRL

Currency Code Symbol Value
Polish Zloty PLN 10.3818 PLN
Malagasy Ariary MGA Ar 7,490.9477 MGA
Jamaican Dollar JMD J$ 344.9678 JMD
Brazilian Real BRL R$ 7.6966 BRL
Nepalese Rupee NPR Rs 335.0204 NPR
Salvadoran Colón SVC $ 29.3249 SVC
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Novo Horizonte
Xinguara 7.53 BRL -2.11%
Xapuri 7.37 BRL -4.21%
Xanxere 7.70 BRL 0.00%
Votuporanga 7.70 BRL 0.00%
Vitoria Da Conquista 8.59 BRL 11.58%
Vitoria 8.83 BRL 14.74%

Beer price comparison chart

The Beer price comparison chart shows that price for Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Novo Horizonte is 14.74 % lower than the same Beer price in Vitoria, Brazil.