Beer in Vergiate, Italy

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The price of Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Vergiate, Italy is 4.00 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Samoan Tala WST T 12.5927 WST
Special Drawing Rights XDR SDR 3.5446 XDR
Czech Republic Koruna CZK 109.4089 CZK
Hungarian Forint HUF Ft 1,195.4724 HUF
Swiss Franc CHF Fr 4.9297 CHF
Brazilian Real BRL R$ 12.4697 BRL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Voghera 4.21 EUR 5.32%
Viterbo 4.21 EUR 5.32%
Vieste 3.87 EUR -3.19%
Vicenza 4.17 EUR 4.26%
Verona 3.87 EUR -3.19%
Vercelli 4.04 EUR 1.06%

Beer price comparison chart

The Beer price comparison chart shows that price for Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Vergiate is 5.32 % lower than the same Beer price in Voghera, Italy.