Beer in Villerupt, France

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The price of Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Villerupt, France is 5.52 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Cuban Peso CUP 170.1555 CUP
Liberian Dollar LRD $ 601.2892 LRD
Ethiopian Birr ETB Br 142.8780 ETB
Congolese Franc CDF Fr 6,914.4750 CDF
CFA Franc BEAC XAF CFAF 3,626.3175 XAF
United States Dollar USD $ 7.5000 USD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vittel 5.08 EUR -8.00%
Vitry Le Francois 4.92 EUR -11.00%
Vitry En Artois 5.03 EUR -9.00%
Vinon 4.97 EUR -10.00%
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot 5.03 EUR -9.00%
Villefranche-De-Rouergue 4.92 EUR -11.00%

Beer price comparison chart

The Beer price comparison chart shows that price for Beer (0.33 Litre Bottle) in Villerupt is % higher than the same Beer price in , France.