Budget hotel in Kotabaru, Indonesia

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The price of Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Kotabaru, Indonesia is 498,162.87 IDR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Bhutanese Ngultrum BTN Nu 2,637.0158 BTN
Special Drawing Rights XDR SDR 27.5963 XDR
Libyan Dinar LYD ل.د 52.6665 LYD
Cuban Peso CUP 959.6770 CUP
Ukrainian Hryvnia UAH 346.8037 UAH
Dominican Peso DOP RD$ 1,799.4293 DOP
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zugapa, Irian Jaya 525,838.59 IDR 5.56%
Yuruf, Irian Jaya 498,162.87 IDR 0.00%
Yogyakarta 536,908.87 IDR 7.78%
Wasior 531,373.73 IDR 6.67%
Warukin 509,233.16 IDR 2.22%
Waris 542,444.01 IDR 8.89%

Budget hotel price comparison chart

The Budget hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Kotabaru is 8.89 % lower than the same Budget hotel price in Waris, Indonesia.