The price of Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Novo Horizonte, Brazil is 142.98 BRL
Budget hotel in Novo Horizonte, Brazil
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Mozambican Metical | MZN | MT | 1,874.5509 MZN |
Belize Dollar | BZD | BZ$ | 123.9228 BZD |
Kroon | EEK | kr | 727.7450 EEK |
Lithuanian Litas | LTL | Lt | 158.4900 LTL |
Guinean Franc | GNF | Fr | 430,346.5950 GNF |
Kenyan Shilling | KES | Sh | 5,415.6642 KES |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Novo Horizonte |
Xinguara | 157.44 BRL | 10.11% |
Xapuri | 154.23 BRL | 7.87% |
Xanxere | 160.66 BRL | 12.36% |
Votuporanga | 159.05 BRL | 11.24% |
Vitoria Da Conquista | 175.12 BRL | 22.47% |
Vitoria | 176.72 BRL | 23.60% |
Budget hotel price comparison chart
The Budget hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Novo Horizonte is 23.60 % lower than the same Budget hotel price in Vitoria, Brazil.