Budget hotel in Novo Horizonte, Brazil

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The price of Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Novo Horizonte, Brazil is 142.98 BRL

Currency Code Symbol Value
Mozambican Metical MZN MT 1,874.5509 MZN
Belize Dollar BZD BZ$ 123.9228 BZD
Kroon EEK kr 727.7450 EEK
Lithuanian Litas LTL Lt 158.4900 LTL
Guinean Franc GNF Fr 430,346.5950 GNF
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 5,415.6642 KES
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Novo Horizonte
Xinguara 157.44 BRL 10.11%
Xapuri 154.23 BRL 7.87%
Xanxere 160.66 BRL 12.36%
Votuporanga 159.05 BRL 11.24%
Vitoria Da Conquista 175.12 BRL 22.47%
Vitoria 176.72 BRL 23.60%

Budget hotel price comparison chart

The Budget hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Novo Horizonte is 23.60 % lower than the same Budget hotel price in Vitoria, Brazil.