Budget hotel in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

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The price of Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic is 3,504.85 DOP

Currency Code Symbol Value
Ukrainian Hryvnia UAH 675.4884 UAH
New Taiwan Dollar TWD NT$ 2,441.0344 TWD
Armenian Dram AMD դր. 33,642.8854 AMD
Netherlands Antillean Guilder ANG ƒ 147.3957 ANG
Somali Shilling SOS S 99,635.8748 SOS
Lithuanian Litas LTL Lt 209.5985 LTL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Puerto Plata
Santo Domingo 3,537.60 DOP 0.93%
Santiago 3,046.27 DOP -13.08%
San Juan 3,079.02 DOP -12.15%
San Isidro 3,013.51 DOP -14.02%
Sabana De Mar 2,948.00 DOP -15.89%
Punta Cana 3,013.51 DOP -14.02%

Budget hotel price comparison chart

The Budget hotel price comparison chart shows that price for Budget hotel (Room/Night) in Puerto Plata is 0.93 % lower than the same Budget hotel price in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.