Cigarette in Fontas, Canada

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The price of Cigarette (Per Pack) in Fontas, Canada is 10.34 CAD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Laotian Kip LAK 78,257.7040 LAK
Cambodian Riel KHR 39,226.1660 KHR
Pound GGP gp 5.9156 GGP
Saudi Riyal SAR 36.7549 SAR
Chinese Yuan CNY ¥ 59.7806 CNY
Jamaican Dollar JMD J$ 1,008.1064 JMD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zama Lake 10.55 CAD 2.04%
Zama 10.13 CAD -2.04%
Yorkton 10.23 CAD -1.02%
York Landing 11.08 CAD 7.14%
Yellowknife 10.97 CAD 6.12%
Yates Tower 10.55 CAD 2.04%

Cigarette price comparison chart

The Cigarette price comparison chart shows that price for Cigarette (Per Pack) in Fontas is 7.14 % lower than the same Cigarette price in York Landing, Canada.