The price of Cigarette (Per Pack) in Norvenich, Germany is 4.86 EUR
Cigarette in Norvenich, Germany
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Yemeni Rial | YER | ﷼ | 1,418.2521 YER |
Turkmenistani Manat | TMT | T | 18.8107 TMT |
Tanzanian Shilling | TZS | Sh | 10,626.4858 TZS |
Peso | CUC | p | 6.3059 CUC |
Special Drawing Rights | XDR | SDR | 4.3032 XDR |
Nepalese Rupee | NPR | Rs | 658.9516 NPR |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Norvenich |
Zwickau | 4.96 EUR | 2.06% |
Zweibrucken | 5.51 EUR | 13.40% |
Wyk | 4.71 EUR | -3.09% |
Wunstorf | 4.81 EUR | -1.03% |
Wuerzburg | 4.91 EUR | 1.03% |
Wuerselen | 4.61 EUR | -5.15% |
Cigarette price comparison chart
The Cigarette price comparison chart shows that price for Cigarette (Per Pack) in Norvenich is 13.40 % lower than the same Cigarette price in Zweibrucken, Germany.