A Cup of Coffee (Regular) in Greenwood, Canada

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The price of A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Greenwood, Canada is 3.75 CAD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Tuvalu Dollar TVD $ 3.8981 TVD
Jordanian Dinar JOD د.ا 2.5147 JOD
Norwegian Krone NOK kr 21.6542 NOK
Vietnamese Dong VND 74,959.9872 VND
Polish Zloty PLN 10.9963 PLN
Djiboutian Franc DJF Fr 632.2382 DJF
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zama Lake 3.86 CAD 3.12%
Zama 3.63 CAD -3.13%
Yorkton 3.79 CAD 1.04%
York Landing 4.14 CAD 10.42%
Yellowknife 4.02 CAD 7.29%
Yates Tower 3.86 CAD 3.12%

A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart

The A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart shows that price for A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Greenwood is 10.42 % lower than the same A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price in York Landing, Canada.