A Cup of Coffee (Regular) in Holly Springs, United States

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The price of A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Holly Springs, United States is 3.52 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Myanma Kyat MMK K 3,448.1588 MMK
Ghanaian Cedi GHS 7.9552 GHS
Gibraltar Pound GIP £ 2.1676 GIP
CFP Franc XPF Fr 310.0388 XPF
Belarusian Ruble BYR p. 32,763.3853 BYR
Gold Ounce XAU g 0.0028 XAU
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Holly Springs
Zuni Pueblo 3.55 USD 1.05%
Zephyrhills 3.63 USD 3.16%
Zellwood 3.66 USD 4.21%
Zelienople 3.59 USD 2.11%
Zeeland 3.70 USD 5.26%
Zapata 3.29 USD -6.32%

A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart

The A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart shows that price for A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Holly Springs is 5.26 % lower than the same A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price in Zeeland, United States.