A Cup of Coffee (Regular) in Tabou, Ivory Coast

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The price of A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Tabou, Ivory Coast is 1,608.91 XOF

Currency Code Symbol Value
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 270.8149 CVE
Laotian Kip LAK 26,551.7210 LAK
Surinamese Dollar SRD $ 10.9171 SRD
Lebanese Pound LBP £ 5,010.0768 LBP
Panamanian Balboa PAB B/. 3.3250 PAB
Costa Rican Colón CRC 1,657.5923 CRC
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuenoula 1,558.10 XOF -3.16%
Yamoussoukro 1,795.21 XOF 11.58%
Touba 1,608.91 XOF 0.00%
Tingrela 1,558.10 XOF -3.16%
Seguela 1,524.23 XOF -5.26%
Sassandra 1,575.04 XOF -2.11%

A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart

The A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart shows that price for A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Tabou is 11.58 % lower than the same A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast.