A Cup of Coffee (Regular) in Walldorf, Germany

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The price of A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Walldorf, Germany is 2.43 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Burundian Franc BIF Fr 5,119.1823 BIF
Panamanian Balboa PAB B/. 3.3024 PAB
Russian Ruble RUB руб 109.0548 RUB
Samoan Tala WST T 7.6541 WST
New Zealand Dollar NZD $ 4.0326 NZD
Chinese Yuan CNY ¥ 20.1448 CNY
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zwickau 2.25 EUR -7.29%
Zweibrucken 2.63 EUR 8.33%
Wyk 2.51 EUR 3.13%
Wunstorf 2.31 EUR -5.21%
Wuerzburg 2.25 EUR -7.29%
Wuerselen 2.41 EUR -1.04%

A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart

The A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price comparison chart shows that price for A Cup of Coffee (Regular) (Regular/Cup) in Walldorf is 8.33 % lower than the same A Cup of Coffee (Regular) price in Zweibrucken, Germany.