Condom in Haugesund, Norway

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The price of Condom (PC) in Haugesund, Norway is 9.88 NOK

Currency Code Symbol Value
South Korean Won KRW 1,718.9172 KRW
Botswanan Pula BWP P 13.9262 BWP
Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark BAM KM 2.3359 BAM
Syrian Pound SYP £ 226.8729 SYP
Macanese Pataca MOP P 12.9297 MOP
Pakistani Rupee PKR 175.4217 PKR
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vardoe 10.06 NOK 1.85%
Vaeroy 9.78 NOK -0.93%
Vadso 9.78 NOK -0.93%
Trondheim 9.51 NOK -3.70%
Tromso 8.69 NOK -12.04%
Svolvaer 9.78 NOK -0.93%

Condom price comparison chart

The Condom price comparison chart shows that price for Condom (PC) in Haugesund is 1.85 % lower than the same Condom price in Vardoe, Norway.