The price of Egg (12 Eggs) in Apartado, Colombia is 4,098.86 COP
Egg in Apartado, Colombia
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Australian Dollar | AUD | $ | 2.3313 AUD |
Icelandic Króna | ISK | kr | 257.6715 ISK |
Congolese Franc | CDF | Fr | 1,961.4983 CDF |
Salvadoran Colón | SVC | $ | 18.6049 SVC |
Japanese Yen | JPY | ¥ | 216.1408 JPY |
Moldovan Leu | MDL | L | 27.8841 MDL |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Apartado |
Zapatoca | 3,415.72 COP | -16.67% |
Yavarate | 3,415.72 COP | -16.67% |
Yari | 3,681.39 COP | -10.19% |
Yaguara | 3,491.62 COP | -14.81% |
Villavicencio | 3,985.01 COP | -2.78% |
Villagarzon | 4,174.77 COP | 1.85% |
Egg price comparison chart
The Egg price comparison chart shows that price for Egg (12 Eggs) in Apartado is 1.85 % lower than the same Egg price in Villagarzon, Colombia.