Egg in Coeroenie, Suriname

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The price of Egg (12 Eggs) in Coeroenie, Suriname is 6.04 SRD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Georgian Lari GEL 3.1021 GEL
Bahraini Dinar BHD ب.د 0.6937 BHD
Chinese Yuan CNY ¥ 11.2241 CNY
Vietnamese Dong VND 38,830.6240 VND
Qatari Rial QAR ر.ق 6.6997 QAR
Serbian Dinar RSD Дин. 154.6481 RSD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Washabo 6.50 SRD 7.61%
Wageningen 6.11 SRD 1.09%
Totness 6.04 SRD 0.00%
Tafelberg 6.37 SRD 5.43%
Suriname 6.17 SRD 2.17%
Stoelmanseiland 5.84 SRD -3.26%

Egg price comparison chart

The Egg price comparison chart shows that price for Egg (12 Eggs) in Coeroenie is 7.61 % lower than the same Egg price in Washabo, Suriname.