Egg in Namu, Canada

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The price of Egg (12 Eggs) in Namu, Canada is 3.33 CAD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Uruguayan Peso UYU $U 66.6107 UYU
North Korean Won KPW 2,837.2500 KPW
Bangladeshi Taka BDT 245.1299 BDT
Eritrea Nakfa ERN Nfk 47.5958 ERN
Palladium Ounce XPD po 0.0093 XPD
East Caribbean Dollar XCD $ 8.5170 XCD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zama Lake 3.43 CAD 3.09%
Zama 3.09 CAD -7.22%
Yorkton 3.05 CAD -8.25%
York Landing 3.63 CAD 9.28%
Yellowknife 3.77 CAD 13.40%
Yates Tower 3.36 CAD 1.03%

Egg price comparison chart

The Egg price comparison chart shows that price for Egg (12 Eggs) in Namu is 13.40 % lower than the same Egg price in Yellowknife, Canada.