Egg in Pyongtaek, South Korea

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The price of Egg (12 Eggs) in Pyongtaek, South Korea is 2,616.15 KRW

Currency Code Symbol Value
Russian Ruble RUB руб 81.4213 RUB
Azerbaijani Manat AZN ман 1.9334 AZN
Solomon Islands Dollar SBD $ 17.6491 SBD
Chilean Peso CLP $ 1,287.2552 CLP
Iraqi Dinar IQD ع.د 2,869.5886 IQD
British Pound Sterling GBP £ 1.5204 GBP
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Yeosu 3,071.13 KRW 17.39%
Yecheon 2,843.64 KRW 8.70%
Yangyang 2,985.82 KRW 14.13%
Yangku 2,843.64 KRW 8.70%
Wonju 3,071.13 KRW 17.39%
Ulsan 3,014.26 KRW 15.22%

Egg price comparison chart

The Egg price comparison chart shows that price for Egg (12 Eggs) in Pyongtaek is 17.39 % lower than the same Egg price in Yeosu, South Korea.