Egg in Voghera, Italy

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The price of Egg (12 Eggs) in Voghera, Italy is 1.65 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Liberian Dollar LRD $ 179.5851 LRD
Special Drawing Rights XDR SDR 1.4614 XDR
Macedonian Denar MKD ден 101.8987 MKD
Libyan Dinar LYD ل.د 2.7890 LYD
Mozambican Metical MZN MT 67.3996 MZN
Ethiopian Birr ETB Br 42.6729 ETB
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Viterbo 1.65 EUR 0.00%
Vieste 1.62 EUR -2.00%
Vicenza 1.65 EUR 0.00%
Verona 1.65 EUR 0.00%
Vergiate 1.58 EUR -4.00%
Vercelli 1.63 EUR -1.00%

Egg price comparison chart

The Egg price comparison chart shows that price for Egg (12 Eggs) in Voghera is % higher than the same Egg price in , Italy.