Egg in Zeeland, United States

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The price of Egg (12 Eggs) in Zeeland, United States is 1.79 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Burundian Franc BIF Fr 2,776.3007 BIF
Dominican Peso DOP RD$ 76.1886 DOP
Romanian Leu RON lei 5.8653 RON
Nigerian Naira NGN 284.2693 NGN
Lebanese Pound LBP £ 2,698.6609 LBP
Lesotho Loti LSL L 18.1380 LSL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 1.85 USD 3.33%
Zephyrhills 1.97 USD 10.00%
Zellwood 1.77 USD -1.11%
Zelienople 1.77 USD -1.11%
Zapata 1.87 USD 4.44%
Zanesville 1.89 USD 5.56%

Egg price comparison chart

The Egg price comparison chart shows that price for Egg (12 Eggs) in Zeeland is 10.00 % lower than the same Egg price in Zephyrhills, United States.