Electricity in Baxley, United States

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The price of Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Baxley, United States is 0.07 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Bahraini Dinar BHD ب.د 0.0253 BHD
Platinum Ounce XPT Pt 0.0000 XPT
Serbian Dinar RSD Дин. 5.6480 RSD
Guyanaese Dollar GYD $ 13.8240 GYD
Belarusian Ruble BYR p. 626.3725 BYR
Czech Republic Koruna CZK 1.3532 CZK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 0.07 USD 4.17%
Zephyrhills 0.06 USD -5.21%
Zellwood 0.07 USD -1.04%
Zelienople 0.07 USD 1.04%
Zeeland 0.07 USD 0.00%
Zapata 0.07 USD 4.17%

Electricity price comparison chart

The Electricity price comparison chart shows that price for Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Baxley is 4.17 % lower than the same Electricity price in Zuni Pueblo, United States.