Electricity in Namsang, Myanmar

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The price of Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Namsang, Myanmar is 48.56 MMK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Falkland Islands Pound FKP £ 0.0305 FKP
Sri Lankan Rupee LKR 6.4931 LKR
Dominican Peso DOP RD$ 2.1057 DOP
Fijian Dollar FJD $ 0.0920 FJD
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar TTD TT$ 0.3171 TTD
Somali Shilling SOS S 59.8613 SOS
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Ye 46.60 MMK -4.04%
Yangon 47.09 MMK -3.03%
Tilin 48.07 MMK -1.01%
Thandwe 51.01 MMK 5.05%
Tachilek 51.99 MMK 7.07%
Sittwe 52.97 MMK 9.09%

Electricity price comparison chart

The Electricity price comparison chart shows that price for Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Namsang is 9.09 % lower than the same Electricity price in Sittwe, Myanmar.