Electricity in Namu, Canada

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The price of Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Namu, Canada is 0.11 CAD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Aruban Florin AWG ƒ 0.1910 AWG
Japanese Yen JPY ¥ 10.8395 JPY
Israeli New Sheqel ILS 0.3778 ILS
Haitian Gourde HTG G 4.2316 HTG
East Caribbean Dollar XCD $ 0.2883 XCD
Mexican Peso MXN $ 1.3952 MXN
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zama Lake 0.11 CAD -6.19%
Zama 0.11 CAD -5.15%
Yorkton 0.11 CAD -4.12%
York Landing 0.12 CAD 9.28%
Yellowknife 0.13 CAD 13.40%
Yates Tower 0.11 CAD -1.03%

Electricity price comparison chart

The Electricity price comparison chart shows that price for Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Namu is 13.40 % lower than the same Electricity price in Yellowknife, Canada.