Electricity in Nosara Beach, Costa Rica

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The price of Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Nosara Beach, Costa Rica is 36.99 CRC

Currency Code Symbol Value
Bhutanese Ngultrum BTN Nu 4.6257 BTN
Ugandan Shilling UGX USh 187.6681 UGX
Iraqi Dinar IQD ع.د 86.3577 IQD
Azerbaijani Manat AZN ман 0.0582 AZN
Moldovan Leu MDL L 0.9725 MDL
Congolese Franc CDF Fr 68.4072 CDF
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Nosara Beach
Upala 31.76 CRC -14.15%
Tortuquero 36.29 CRC -1.89%
Tambor 36.29 CRC -1.89%
Tamarindo 36.64 CRC -0.94%
Santa Maria De Guacimo 31.06 CRC -16.04%
Santa Cruz 33.50 CRC -9.43%

Electricity price comparison chart

The Electricity price comparison chart shows that price for Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Nosara Beach is % higher than the same Electricity price in , Costa Rica.