Electricity in Vitry En Artois, France

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The price of Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Vitry En Artois, France is 0.14 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Falkland Islands Pound FKP £ 0.1172 FKP
Iranian Rial IRR 4,712.6270 IRR
Norwegian Krone NOK kr 1.1583 NOK
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 16.5165 KES
Moldovan Leu MDL L 2.4901 MDL
Pakistani Rupee PKR 20.5742 PKR
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vitry En Artois
Vittel 0.13 EUR -4.21%
Vitry Le Francois 0.13 EUR -4.21%
Vinon 0.14 EUR 0.00%
Villerupt 0.14 EUR -2.11%
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot 0.14 EUR -1.05%
Villefranche-De-Rouergue 0.14 EUR -2.11%

Electricity price comparison chart

The Electricity price comparison chart shows that price for Electricity (per 1 kWh) in Vitry En Artois is % higher than the same Electricity price in , France.