Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) in Centre Hall, United States

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The price of Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Centre Hall, United States is 3.28 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Swiss Franc CHF Fr 2.9766 CHF
Russian Ruble RUB руб 108.3349 RUB
Burundian Franc BIF Fr 5,085.3893 BIF
Fijian Dollar FJD $ 6.0964 FJD
Egyptian Pound EGP £ 22.5921 EGP
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 267.1986 CVE
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Centre Hall
Zuni Pueblo 3.42 USD 4.26%
Zephyrhills 3.42 USD 4.26%
Zellwood 3.35 USD 2.13%
Zelienople 3.32 USD 1.06%
Zeeland 3.28 USD 0.00%
Zapata 3.11 USD -5.32%

Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart

The Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart shows that price for Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Centre Hall is 4.26 % lower than the same Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price in Zuni Pueblo, United States.