Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) in Lobito, Angola

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The price of Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Lobito, Angola is 1,299.47 AOA

Currency Code Symbol Value
Malawian Kwacha MWK MK 5,404.9611 MWK
Kroon EEK kr 155.9454 EEK
Libyan Dinar LYD ل.د 16.6217 LYD
Eritrea Nakfa ERN Nfk 201.5556 ERN
Costa Rican Colón CRC 6,655.2954 CRC
Nepalese Rupee NPR Rs 1,333.6877 NPR
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Xangongo 1,357.88 AOA 4.49%
Uige 1,387.08 AOA 6.74%
Sumbe 1,314.08 AOA 1.12%
Soyo 1,357.88 AOA 4.49%
Saurimo 1,606.09 AOA 23.60%
Porto Amboim 1,401.68 AOA 7.87%

Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart

The Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart shows that price for Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Lobito is 23.60 % lower than the same Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price in Saurimo, Angola.